Well that’s absolutely true. Procrastinating tasks munches away the precious slices of time in tiny bits. But isn’t it true that procrastinating things makes us feel there is a lot more of time to do the same thing? A different perspective is that I feel it stretches the time line. Now by that I don’t mean its actually stretched or any such non-scientific fact. The thing is, it can be as well compared to the Doppler effect where the change or shift is just apparent and relative to the viewer.
Same is the case with postponing tasks. If that’s done at a highly extreme rate, one might reach the other end without realizing that it was just apparent that there was a lot of time in hand! On the other hand, if one shifts a given piece of work by a little amount of time, the empty slot of time made available by the deliberate shift, makes one relax and energizes mind for the successful completion of the work shifted and others too!
Now everything has a boundary! J
But as far as my opinion is concerned, hmm I advocate a little of procrastination!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Procrastination..is the thief of time?
Posted by Mirage at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Zebra Crossing
Hey! Remove this multi-colored carnival bed cover and spread a milder one! The colors prick my eyes...Switch off the damn lights! I want to be in the dark.. I want to be alone...
Sounds familiar? Oh yes. These are the words uttered by all of us at some point of our lives or the other. Maybe u said it a while ago?
This is the quest for peace. Serenity. Makes me wonder though.. Are we actually colorful? Or as they say white is the color of calm and peace.Believe it or not, human mind runs behind white in certain situations.
Irony. Darkness is not bright,and white. Yet peaceful. So calm and quiet. Now the million dollar question!
White or Black? Where will I find you?...
Keep pondering... Till my next post!
Posted by Mirage at 3:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
There was a flower,
Fragrance it spread,
I looked at it,
Knowing not what i wanted...
The flower danced,
The garden smiled,
The wind giggled,
For each other they were made...
I stopped for a while,
Wished to be a part,
Of the loveliest of joy,
And my wish was granted...
I praise the wind,
I thank the garden,
I adore the flower,
For accepting a stranger,
In the realm of happiness,
They always shared....
Posted by Mirage at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Happy doormatting!
I remember long back during my school days my friend used to talk about being a doormat. As my habit is, I used to laugh and forget the matter thinking of it as a joke. Or the fact could be that I wasn’t interested in thinking about it. Now , giving it a thought, I can say that ‘being a doormat’ phase of anyone’s life is the most painful one!
Here goes the story of a doormat…. It is beautiful, colorful and is used by numerous people who don’t even notice what they are using! The doormat lies there on the doorsteps, cleaning others dirt and getting dirty instead. And the reward! Yes, the final reward that it gets is that it gets torn into bits by overuse and is replaced….
What a fate! So any doormats out there???? Beware…. Don’t get exploited is the trend of today!
Posted by Mirage at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 9, 2007
I wonder at the meaning of manpower. Is it the mere population count or the effective population? well....by effective population i mean that fraction which is skilled and contributes to the growth....of infrastructure or resources.
India having such a huge population and with a high fertility rate should have been the most prosperous country... but we know the truth.
It is heard that china is suffering from major labor crisis. i guess because of low fertitily rate one day there will be a HR crunch there.
so where is our country? behind or ahead?
Posted by Mirage at 10:50 AM 2 comments
16.5 degrees , the temperature set in that air conditioned hall. Outside, the sun was at its maximum shine and the clocks ticked 2 p m. Oh well, coming to the point, the drastic difference between the natural and the man made is what I am pondering on… Had anyone known that a day would come when the creativity of mankind would take over the natural rules and phenomenon….. Thanks to the inventor!
The scorching sunlight and the rushing hot air at 40+ degrees, (cant call it wind…its too pleasant a word I guess…) burns down the epidermis of the skin as if it were giving that withheld message of nature. “ look what u have done! It is beyond the range set for man!”.
And you say… “Oh hell…what nonsense! I possess all rights to make my life comfortable” . Well said! Bravo!
The rift between nature and mankind!
Posted by Mirage at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Intersection of wishes
Well it might appear a bit mathematical. But the analysis is worth giving a thought.
People live because they are driven by the spirit of fulfilling what they want to achieve.
These spirits are in other words the wishes.
There are many aspects and there are as many things we wish for. Say you want to drink some soft drink. But you don't want to leave any possibility for catching common cold. In this case isn't it clear that the intersection of both the wishes is null?
Till one has a strong will to confront challenges and handle those efficiently the intersection set is almost null. The generalisation of this condition is the popular saying in hindi, translated as " To achieve something one has to sacrifice some other thing!"
But is it always true? Well don't get confused. The idea is to make people think. How to be happy and content with one's life is important and so one has to know the apposite ways to make it that way.
So people , if you know mathematics well and good. I have conveyed my thought. And if u don't, then..... just be happy!
Posted by Mirage at 9:11 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 2, 2007
Whats in a race?
On your marks.....Get..Set...GO!!! And there goes a crowd running, like starved people for a sumptous meal.....
Though u might wonder how a starved person can sprint, but necessity is the mother of 'intentions'.
I always wonder what is the whole point in making people so obsessed with that one sprint. It is not a question for life or death ! People and most importantly youngsters develop this passion.
The situation is comparable to this. You are a slave,bound with a contract to your master who happens to practice black magic.The brain is robbed of its original capacity to process situations and arrive at conclusions. Now one fine morning you are given orders to just run. You run, run, and run. You keep running for some so called bounty which, u have no idea doesnt exist at all!
Or another analogy would be the ancient mariners looking for the end of the surface of earth. No results but the mind is preoccupied to such an extent with the thought of victory that they dont care what they are doing!
Now thats one of us.... If one has ever participated in a dash or sprint (many other delicious synonyms exist to take people in), the fact must be crystal clear.
Some people may say it tests your speed, efficiency and all such nonsensical things.
But is that worth it?
So next time you find yourself wearing some funny outfit, with hundreds of people making noises and cheering up, (to be more apt, fun) with that illuding red carpet like track in front, God save you!!! :)
Posted by Mirage at 2:43 AM 2 comments
Saturday, January 27, 2007
The name
Everything is destined and fixed to change. See the irony,'fixed to change'. It depends on people if they let things change or make them change, but eventually, they do change. The escapist tendencies never come to rescue. Some people believe that their ability to manipulate things gives them the required power!! But the crude reality is that its a gradual and involuntary process which has to be unconsciously accepted by everyone.
Morph is to change, to make one undergo the vicious cycle of drastic and strategic processes which change the entire outlook.
Posts will keep coming....:)
Posted by Mirage at 9:27 PM 2 comments