Friday, February 2, 2007

Whats in a race?

On your marks.....Get..Set...GO!!! And there goes a crowd running, like starved people for a sumptous meal.....
Though u might wonder how a starved person can sprint, but necessity is the mother of 'intentions'.
I always wonder what is the whole point in making people so obsessed with that one sprint. It is not a question for life or death ! People and most importantly youngsters develop this passion.
The situation is comparable to this. You are a slave,bound with a contract to your master who happens to practice black magic.The brain is robbed of its original capacity to process situations and arrive at conclusions. Now one fine morning you are given orders to just run. You run, run, and run. You keep running for some so called bounty which, u have no idea doesnt exist at all!
Or another analogy would be the ancient mariners looking for the end of the surface of earth. No results but the mind is preoccupied to such an extent with the thought of victory that they dont care what they are doing!
Now thats one of us.... If one has ever participated in a dash or sprint (many other delicious synonyms exist to take people in), the fact must be crystal clear.
Some people may say it tests your speed, efficiency and all such nonsensical things.

But is that worth it?
So next time you find yourself wearing some funny outfit, with hundreds of people making noises and cheering up, (to be more apt, fun) with that illuding red carpet like track in front, God save you!!! :)