Sunday, December 30, 2007 the thief of time?

Well that’s absolutely true. Procrastinating tasks munches away the precious slices of time in tiny bits. But isn’t it true that procrastinating things makes us feel there is a lot more of time to do the same thing? A different perspective is that I feel it stretches the time line. Now by that I don’t mean its actually stretched or any such non-scientific fact. The thing is, it can be as well compared to the Doppler effect where the change or shift is just apparent and relative to the viewer.
Same is the case with postponing tasks. If that’s done at a highly extreme rate, one might reach the other end without realizing that it was just apparent that there was a lot of time in hand! On the other hand, if one shifts a given piece of work by a little amount of time, the empty slot of time made available by the deliberate shift, makes one relax and energizes mind for the successful completion of the work shifted and others too!
Now everything has a boundary! J
But as far as my opinion is concerned, hmm I advocate a little of procrastination!