Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Whats in a name?

I am now quite used to what people call me, as in my nick name, and i assume if u know me, u definitely know what it is or at least what i am talking about. LOL. It was a hell lot of embarrassment when i had just come to know what it means over here. People had advised me to change so many profile entries in orkut. It took ages for me to find out what was wrong.
Anyways, time just makes things better. I was wondering what if I am the last one to have the 'privilege' of being called that? Sad. Now after being in this college for two years I have come to know the general beliefs associated with my 'nick' name..
1. The person must know java.
2. The person is some god level nerd...
3. The person is ob in IT.
Nothing to do with the name, just that it usually turns out to be true... What to do??And maybe many more i am not aware of yet. Its so taxing to live up to some of these beliefs. But then advantages accompany too. Its a rarer name than Shruti!! Sigh. Lets see if i manage to convince myself to sport it on my tee too!