Switch on the idiot box and the same plethora of emotions is whacked on our faces. The same so called seductive vamps clad in backless blouses and heavy coats of make-up, even our mining pals wouldn’t dare dig. They play those ridiculous mind games which even an average IQ kiddo can thrash in seconds. But nop. The goddess like main character who has to steal away all the limelight will be dead if the directors follow basic human instincts. She will make a hue and cry, attract public attention ask for SMS votes as to what to do and then finally do nothing. Blah. I wonder what the lead actor’s IQ is. Perhaps on a negative scale. OK. So where were we? Yes, those tantrums accompanied by the unbearably loud background score in which another moron keeps screaming her lungs out and the endless treasure of glycerine and tears have captured the minds of today’s audience. It doesn’t end here. The villain , most preferably a female for the guys to drool, keeps planning murders, accidents and executes them with extreme perfection. And Oh boy! There is the dead man alive again. Guess what? Dead man loses his memory (to be gained after hmm say 2 months). In this period of two months, how can I forget to mention the several romantic engagements which would further drag the nonsensical melodrama for another decade. And this isn’t the end of it. The harassment, torture and not to forget the crying continues sometimes till next birth. LOL.
The leaps in time would puzzle an Einstein too. Millions (exaggeration) of kids are born to all the characters. Ages of characters cannot be guessed by mere mortals.
Phew. I could think of only few. Why do they keep making such stuff? Just because we are dumb enough to waste our time watching it? Or that they are cleverer in predicting our instincts? Our intellect is in jeopardy.
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