Friday, April 17, 2009

Don't hide the candles

OK. First of all, I dont know where I was for the last few months. :| And I start off with yet another rant.

People in society are mere hypocrites. Why? They cannot accept what's real. They tend to live in the imaginary world of their own and like to suck into it as many number of people as they can.
The context may not be clear to the reader as of now. Its about the tradition where the not so famous-but thinks is famous aunt with wrinkles still says that "Oh dear.. Don't call me aunt no? I am just five years elder!" Oh God. People celebrate their 25th anniversary for 50 years. OK thats some exaggeration but still. Just trying to make my point. Why should one's age be something to be ashamed of? Doesn't that (in most of the cases) show how much experience one gains with time ? It does.
I really adore the male community for not having such stupid issues ( Though they might have more stupid issues that I might not be aware of). I hope I find some valid justification or some historical evidence to this phenomenon observed in at least the higher end of the 'cosmetic' society.


Layfield said...

Male community it seems. We don't like to be too young. "Under 18? Get out!".

Somehow this reminds of that thing in The Sixth Sense where the dead people don't know they're dead.

Mirage said...

@ Layfield
Yeah true :P I hope the dead and the not so dead get some sense soon.